AHP & ANP Theory

How satisfying is your job?

Short Description

Have you found your dream job or is it time for a career change? How satisfied are you with the job you have chosen? In this model, after a thorough search of the literature about satisfaction, 18 criteria related to job satisfaction were identified and arranged in a hierarchic structure.

A process of prioritization known as the Analytic Hierarchy Process was used with the structure to put in judgments from knowledgeable people to derive priorities for the criteria and subcriteria.

A template was then developed so you could rate your satisfaction on each of the criteria and obtain an overall measure of satisfaction with your job. If you feel you have a perfect job the score would be 100%, and it would be correspondingly less if you are not so satisfied. Find out what you like most about your job and what you dislike most. The template can be used by any individual to determine their job satisfaction


Click the link "Start Questionnaire" to begin filling in the questionnaire.See your results and how they compare with the rest of the population. You can pause filling in the questionnaire and return later if you keep it open in the same browser.

Start Questionnaire

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