AHP & ANP Theory
Thomas L. Saaty Explains AHP & ANP
In this section you will find original videos of Thomas L. Saaty answering question about the AHP and ANP method.
Each section tackles a specific topic and answers one of the many questions that we all would like to have asked Thomas L. Saaty. The sections contain unpublished videos along with presentations, documents and models relevant to the topic.
Asking Thomas L. Saaty
Thomas Saaty on Objectivity
When someone says be objective what do they really mean?
How did Thomas Saaty come up with the 1-9 AHP scale?
The videos and content in this section explore the 1-9 scale that is used in AHP and ANP.
What is the pairwise comparison matrix?
Thomas Saaty talks about the thinking that led him to develop the reciprocal pairwise comparison matrix and how it systematizes and improves the development of priorities.
Comparing Apples
Thomas Saaty presents a very simple AHP example to help you understand how to do pairwise comparisons.
The origin of AHP
Thomas Saaty discusses what motivated his development of the AHP. After his work in the US State Department, he thought we needed a new way to measure things that could include human judgment, especially on intangibles.
Linking pin - Comparing a cherry tomato with a watermelon
Thomas Saaty shows you how to compare items of different magnitude.
AHP Example: Drinks Consumption
Thomas Saaty presents an introductory AHP example where you try to estimate the drinks consumption in USA.
AHP Example: School Selection
Thomas Saaty presents an introductory AHP example where we try to choose the best school. This is an example to help you understand how the method works.
Rating Examples
Thomas Saaty presents a ratings example on how to evaluate employees.